About our news

List of News Articles

  1. 4 June 2024

    Volunteers Week: The role of an audio describer

  2. 14 July 2023

    Meet our volunteers

  3. 19 June 2023

    What is an Apprentice Production Manager?

  4. 16 June 2023

    Celebrate Pride with inspirational LGBTQ+ theatre makers

  5. Zoe is sitting in a darkened sound booth with her face lit from below by the lights on the control panel. She has a beaming smile on her face as she looks towards the camera.
    23 May 2023

    Light a Spark: Zoe's story

  6. 17 April 2023

    What goes on during CFT's dark period?

  7. 7 February 2023

    Meet our new Creative Therapist

  8. 19 January 2023

    Justin Audibert appointed as our next Artistic Director

  9. Person wearing jeans sitting down with an open notebook and pen in their lap.
    13 December 2022

    Prologue Blog: CFT's first Youth Voice Conference - what a day!

  10. A woman in a black top and a woman in a flowery top stand in front of a banner displaying the UK Theatre Awards logo. They are smiling and holding an award.
    24 October 2022

    Digital Stages Wins UK Theatre Award