About our name a seat options

Have you and your partner traditionally sat in the same spot over the years? Or has a friend always loved the view from G15? Naming a seat not only provides much-needed support but means you'll become part of the fabric of the Theatre you love. And as a bonus, if you sign up for Gift Aid, we can claim a further 25% at no extra cost to you, so your donation will go even further.

(As much as we'd love to promise your favourite spot will be available for every visit, please note that Name a Seat donations do not guarantee that you will be able to book this seat when making ticket purchases.)

Click on the venue you'd like to select your named seat from, alternatively if you would like to talk to someone about naming a seat or making a one-off donation in someone's memory, our Senior Development Manager Sophie Henstridge-Brown is always happy to chat on 01243 812915 or email [email protected]